The Bookstore is seeking 5 students who would be willing to serve on a student panel from 10:15am-11:30am on October 14, 2014. Your audience are faculty from across the metro area.
Discussion topics include:
• What would you like to see faculty use for affordable learning resource alternatives? (example: online web sources, interactive web sites, course packets, e-Books, access codes, etc.)
• What types of choices do you make regarding textbook costs (drop a class because the book is too expensive, don’t purchase a book because you can’t afford it, etc.)?
• What kinds of learning resource alternatives have you used in classes and why do you like/dislike it?
• How does the cost of textbooks effect your success?
If you are interested, please stop in to the Bookstore and talk to Dawn Master, Bookstore Manager or call her at 651-450-3247.