Conclusion of Campus "Lay-low" Period | |
Dear Student, | |
Thank you for your flexibility as we transitioned into a lay-low period at Inver Hills Community College. This mitigation effort will be concluding on Friday, February 4. We will return to our originally planned course instructional delivery methods on Monday, February 7. | |
Proper mask use is required inside our campus buildings regardless of vaccination status. Please bring a mask every time you come to campus. The use of a high-quality mask to help limit the spread of COVID-19 is recommended (i.e., wearing a N95 or KN95 mask, layering multiple disposable masks, or layering a disposable mask under a cloth mask). Thank you for taking this effort to protect our community.
Additional measures to keep the campus safe include three-foot social distance in classrooms, unless six-foot social distancing can be accommodated; Social distancing of six feet in campus common areas. | |
If you have not yet done so, please get vaccinated and boosted as soon as you are eligible. We will keep the campus community updated should other campus COVID mitigation measures need to be taken. |
All Inver Hills students should report COVID symptoms or exposure to Kari Rusch-Curl, Interim Vice President of Student Affairs. Additional COVID resources can be found on the Inver Hills COVID website. |
Thank you for your flexibility. We appreciate you and are grateful to have you as part of our campus community. |

Academic & Class Resources
Fall 2022 is open for registration!
Although many things in the world seem uncertain, your education doesn’t have to be one of them! Keep working towards your academic goals