The Psychology Departments at Metropolitan State University and Inver Hills Community College are partnering for a community event designed to provide healthy foods for community residents in the Dayton’s Bluff area. Our goal is to prepare over 50-100 fresh apple pies and we need your help in harvesting apples and making the pies. We Need Your Help! We will wash, peel and prepare the apples for pies on two (2) dates:
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Thursday, October 2, 2014
both at 11:00 a.m. at the First Lutheran Church ( We will work until 7:30 each day, and you can drop in as you are available. Please contact August Hoffman ( or Barb Curchack ( to let us know if you intend to help out on either date.

Academic & Class Resources
Fall 2022 is open for registration!
Although many things in the world seem uncertain, your education doesn’t have to be one of them! Keep working towards your academic goals