Inver Hills
Sex Week
April 26 - 30, 2021

Sex Week at Inver Hills is a week of events and trainings all about sex, sexuality, gender and sexual safety.

Sex Week Events


Transgender Identities
3 pm


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Author spotlight

Respect forming clothes do in he. Course so piqued no an by appear. Themselves reasonable pianoforte so motionless he as difficulty be. Abode way begin ham there power whole. Do unpleasing indulgence impossible to conviction. Suppose neither evident welcome it at do civilly uncivil. 

Iven Margolis

Free preview

Don’t take my word for it. Read the first few pages and see how this will change your life

Additional Sex Week Resources


1.) Qualify for Membership

Students who complete at least 12 college-level credits, earn a 3.5 semester GPA in at least one semester, and who maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.25 qualify for membership. If you are not sent an invitation to join contact

2.) Invitations Sent

Invitation emails and letters are sent to eligible students after the second week of fall and spring semester each year. The invitation will include instructions and your individual passcode needed to join.

3.) Join Online

Members pay a one-time membership fee and join using your passcode. If this fee is preventing you from joining instead apply for membership using our membership fee waiver application

4.) Induction and Get Involved!

We host an induction ceremony each semester. You must sign up to be inducted. Find out more by joining our meeting or take a look at our event calendar at

PTK Membership Fee Waiver

Do not join first, we cannot reimburse paid fees.

PTK Seal

I have my passcode! Where do I join?